The inception of Nulleh Leh and Ring Road will aid the residents of the twin cities. It’s important is high and gladly saying, Prime Minister Imran Khan will inaugurate the Nulleh Leh Expressway and Ring Road Projects on December 25, according to Commissioner Gulzar Hussain Shah.
Following the removal of previous director general Nadeem Abro, a meeting was conducted in this respect, with Rawalpindi commissioner in the chair, who took the additional duty of Rawalpindi Development Authority (RDA) Director General.
In the absence of Mayor Rawalpindi, he also serves as Administrator Rawalpindi, since the Punjab government has yet to reestablish local administration.
Commissioner Rawalpindi urged all parties to overcome their complaints, eliminate bottlenecks and hurdles encountered during the design and execution of the Leh Nullah Expressway project. So, Ring Road and Nulleh Leh is coming soon.
Source: DAWN
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