CDA members conducted its ninth meeting on Monday at CDA Headquarters in Islamabad, chaired by Chairman Amir Ali Ahmed. Nayyar Ali Dada, Iftikhar Hassan Arif, Ali Asghar Khan, and Dr. Muhammad Ali were among the board members that attended the meeting. The sixth and seventh meetings’ decisions were approved. The purpose of this meeting was to shed light on commercial plots in Islamabad.

A report of the commercial plots in Islamabad auction held on August 4 and 5 was given to the board, with the board approving the sale of 22 commercial plots and cancelling the bids of some commercial plots in Islamabad for falling below the specified price. The auction committee’s efforts were also recognised at the conference.

In addition, from July 1, 2019, the board authorised an increase in the mess and uniform allowance for 1122 permanent nurses in the Directorate who work in BPS 16 and higher.

PC-2 for the smart city would be produced in the next six months, in addition to the development projects in Islamabad and the provision of excellent services to people, as promised. The meeting also resolved that the Islamabad bus service project should be launched as soon as possible. At the conference, it was decided to start the experiment with 20 buses on three distinct routes. The project will be initially supported by CDA, but in the future, a commercial business will be established to manage the initiative on commercial plots in Islamabad.

In addition, clearance was obtained to add 38 kanals to the site of the third Muslim cemetery in Islamabad’s Sector H-13, which already has 80 kanals.

Source: Nation

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