The Quaid-e-Azam fought for the formation of Pakistan to protect Muslims on the subcontinent from British exploitation and Hindu dominance. Since a result, the people of Pakistan, particularly the youth who were not there during Partition, must understand the significance of the vision and campaign Mr Jinnah championed, as they are the country’s future and must lead it.

Political Career of Quaid-e-Azam

Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah began his political career in 1906, when he was appointed as Dadabhoy Naoroji’s private secretary. Quaid’s political experience was increased under his leadership, but he was inexperienced in the area at the time.

In 1909, the Muslims of Bombay chose him as their representative, and the following year, Jinnah was elected to the Imperial Legislative Council, where he demonstrated his political acumen.

Row Latt Act

The Row Latt Act was enacted in India in 1919, which most political figures considered a “black legislation” since it gave the governing government broad powers to arrest anybody without a warrant. This law was fiercely opposed by Quaid-e-Azam.

Lukhnow Pact

Quaid was in London in 1913, when he met Maulana Mohammad Ali Jauhar, who asked him to join the All India Muslim League. In the same year, Jinnah joined the Muslim League. The Lucknow Pact was made between the Muslim League and the Congress in 1916, thanks to the Quaid’s efforts.

Quaid’s victory was made possible by Congress’s acceptance of a separate electorate for India’s Muslims. The Quaid was dubbed the Ambassadar of Hindu-Muslim Unity as a result of this pact, but this unity did not last long, and in 1924, it vanished into thin air due to Mr M. K Gandhi’s non-cooperative attitude in the Khilafat Movement, and after 1924, the Indian Muslims were in deep trouble due to the launching of the Arya Samaj Movements

Rallies and carnage erupted across India as a result of this campaign, and Muslims were slaughtered everywhere.

Nehru Report

The Nehru Report, issued in 1928, revealed that Muslims had been treated unfairly and that their political rights had been taken away. The Quaid was dissatisfied with the Congress’s stance, and in 1929 he offered the famous fourteen principles for the preservation of Muslims’ rights.

In attempt to establish a political solution for India, Quaid-i-Azam sent a long letter to British Prime Minister Sir Ramsay McDonald in 1929. Three Round Table Conference sessions were organised in London thanks to Quaid’s efforts.

1937 Elections

The failure of these sessions was due to M.K Gandhi’s hostile and non-cooperative attitude. The Quaid was so horrified by the Congress leaders’ behaviour that he planned not to return to India and instead settle down in London for good. However, after reading Allama Iqbal’s writings, the Quaid-e-Azam returned to India and became a permanent member of the Muslim League in 1934. However, the Muslim League was sorely disappointed in the 1937 election, as the Congress formed administrations in eight of India’s provinces, and the Indian Muslims were in hardship from 1937 until 1939.

World War II

When the Second World War broke out in 1939, the Congress sought maximal provincial autonomy, which the Indian government refused, resulting in Congress ministries resigning and Muslims breathing a sigh of relief.

On the Quaid’s guidance, Indian Muslims celebrated “the day of deliverance” in 1939, since the Hindus’ cruelties and injustices had come to an end.

Lahore in 1940

The Muslim League’s 27th conference was held in Lahore in 1940. The Quaid-i-Azam spoke to a huge crowd of Muslims in Iqbal Park, Lahore, on March 22, 1940, and proposed a separate country for India’s Muslims. The Cripps Mission visited India in 1942, but the Quaid refused to cooperate since the mission recommended the formation of an Indian Union.

The Congress began the Quit-India Action after Cripps’ departure, but Jinnah forbade Muslims from participating in this nonviolent movement.

Meeting Goal

The government suppressed the movement, and many Congress leaders, including M.K. Gandhi, were imprisoned. When Mr Gandhi was freed in 1944-45, Jinnah-Gandhi negotiations began, but Mr Gandhi refused to recognise Muslims as a nation. As a result, the meeting’s goal was not achieved.

The Simla Conference was conducted in 1945, but it failed owing to the non-cooperative attitude of the Congress leaders.

Mission Plan

The cabinet Mission Plan arrived in India in 1946 to find a solution to India’s political problem. The Indians were willing to accept an interim administration, but many disputes arose in this government, prompting the Quaid to seek the formation of Pakistan.

Following Lord Wavell’s departure from India in March 1947, Lord Mountbatten became the final Viceroy of India.

Untiring Mr. Jinnah

After arriving in Dehli, he met with Quaid and Congress leaders and delivered the 3rd June 1947 plan, which was accepted by both the Muslim League and Congress. As a result of the Quaid-e-tireless Azam’s efforts, Pakistan was established on August 14, 1947.

The Lesson

Everybody played their part and the result of those efforts is this that now we are a free nation. The point we are trying to highlight is that, do not take this country for granted. Love the country. Be passionate about it. Do good. What we do represents our Pakistan. Please be united, help each other, stay together and keep working for the betterment of the country.




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